Tilden | Tandem 750ml

Tilden | Tandem 750ml


Tandem is a ready-to-serve non-alcoholic cocktail perfect for all sipping occasions.

Earning a Platinum medal from the L.A. Spirit Awards 2023, Tandem is zesty and savory thanks to tart cherry, American oak, bitter orange, and lapsang. Ginger and cayenne deliver a strong kick. 

  • Non-alcoholic

  • 25 calories per cocktail

  • No added sugars

  • No preservatives 

  • Vegan & gluten-free

  • True cocktail finish

  • 750mL


  • Calories25

  • Total Carbohydrate

  • Sugars<1g

Ingredients: Water, desugared tart cherry juice concentrate, natural ginger extract, acacia, allulose, fermented lemongrass, lemon juice concentrate, organic rooibos concentrate, natural american oak extract, natural malt extract, natural lapsang souchong extract, orange juice concentrate, natural bitter orange extract, organic cayenne pepper extract, stevia.

Each bottle contains six to eight cocktails.

1. Shake bottle to mix

2. Pour 3-4 oz. over ice into favorite glassware

3. Garnish with orange twist

3. Sip & savor.

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About Tilden…

Meet Vanessa and Mariah, the founders of Tilden.

Vanessa quit drinking alcohol in 2020 and was disappointed by the lack of sophisticated non-alcoholic drink options at bars, restaurants, and dinner parties. She wanted something flavorful, low in sugar, and devoid of mind-altering ingredients. Vanessa voiced her frustrations and pitched her vision to classmates at Harvard Business School and found a kindred spirit in Mariah, a lifelong teetotaler from Las Vegas. Mariah came to the team with a passion for all things food, beverage, and supply chain, as well as a deep love for hosting.

Together they set out to create non-alcoholic social beverages that would change the way society thinks about celebrating. Prototypes, concocted by hand in Mariah’s kitchen, were tasted, tested, sold, and refined until the team perfected the elements of a true social beverage—something to be sipped, swirled, and savored. With careful attention to aroma, mouthfeel, and flavors, each of Tilden's non-alcoholic cocktails delivers a flavorful experience with a beginning, middle, and finish. 

Vanessa and Mariah are passionate about fostering deeper, more authentic social moments. Cheers to that!


Connection is why we're here - and when people are unafraid to be themselves, a magic alchemy occurs. We believe in celebrating who we are and holding space for deep connection, unencumbered by mind- or body-altering ingredients.


We believe in the importance of rituals and gathering, so Tilden was developed as a ready-to-serve drink with ease and shareable moments in mind. Our nonalcoholic cocktails are complex and sophisticated, offering sensory experiences designed to be savored.


We're always asking ourselves how we can do things differently and better - for one another and the planet. Tilden is a movement toward self-care, an honest craft, and sound business practices. We're not only reimagining what a social cocktail can be - but also how we move the culture forward.


We thoughtfully considered every ingredient and relentlessly perfected our recipes for close to two years. Our award-winning cocktails are low calorie, crafted with all natural ingredients, and made with no preservatives or added sugars.